Friday, August 12, 2005

Behind every cloud...

Originally uploaded by Xena~.

There is a silver lining. At least that is how the saying goes. I'm working on my fears and frustrations...putting it into riding for Endurance on my mule Badger and getting Sunshine ready for a show in two weeks.

Dive headlong into so much activity that I cannot think of this 'mass' that has invaded my every waking momment. August 18th cannot come too quickly for me. At nite I dream I'm dying...oh now that makes for a happy wake up doesn't it?

Why can't a person just shut off the damned brain for a while?

Ride...ride...find the silver lining behind that cloud.

1 comment:

  1. Re: "Why can't a person just shut off the damned brain for a while?"

    They can--it happens to my son every time I ask him to do his chores or his homework. ;)

    Hoping that made you smile. Hang in there, sister. *hug*


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